
You were a huge hit at OPCON! Very applicable and timely. I had countless people come up to me throughout the day Wednesday and compliment on your presentation. It was really fantastic.
I would like to take you up on sitting through an actual debrief in the future.”

Thank you for putting together such a relevant and targeted presentation for our Executive Council planning session. Your mission pre-planning and professionalism certainly contributed to the flawless execution and high audience engagement.”

Just a quick note to tell you that you were a very BIG hit at the meeting yesterday. Your approach in understanding our business was thoughtful and the continued parallels that you were able to draw between your experience as a fighter pilot and our company were relevant and resonated clearly with the audience. I anticipate that the concept of “debrief” will be widely adopted throughout Grocery Outlet. I think I mentioned to you before that we hold this meeting twice a year, and it is very rare for a speaker to receive a standing ovation. You had every one of our 300 operators on their feet at the end of your presentation which is a testament to you and your subject matter.”

Most noticeable for the audience was the professional care and attention to detail that you put into the front end planning for the presentations and the customization of the slide program to reflect our business focus and needs.”

AB, we have contracted many consultants and dynamic presenters over the years, but let me say, your work, with the “mission objective” assigned, was the best I’ve ever personally experienced. While I could go on and an, let me close by simply saying “great job,” and we are looking forward to pursuing some additional special project work with you shortly, in some of our more challenging markets.”