Wish you could have a traditional meeting experience, but that’s just not in the cards this year? Fortunately, fighter pilot Anthony ‘AB’ Bourke can also deliver a powerful virtual keynote speech at your next corporate meeting or event.

Virtual Keynote Speaker, Fighter Pilot Entrepreneur Anthony ‘AB’ Bourke
Planning a virtual meeting is a change and presents many new challenges for meeting and event planners. Booking a remote keynote speaker that will drive strong attendance and that will keep your team engaged is a critical decision for meeting planners and one that will guarantee meeting success and improve company morale.
Unless you normally manage a virtual sales team, this may be the first remote meeting you have been responsible for, and as a meeting planner you are likely feeling that pressure.
You can make your first virtual meeting a home run by hiring a highly engaging fighter pilot keynote speaker with extensive real-world business experience and stories that will send your people back to work with a spring in their step and a new fire in the belly.
How to Arrange a Virtual Keynote
Just as with traditional keynotes, we will ask for one hour of your time by phone approximately 30 days prior to your event to conduct an interview on your business, your team, your meeting goals and how we can best support you.
The day of the event either party can host a zoom call that will allow for any of programs which include options for:
- 60 Minute Keynote Speeches followed by Q & A
- 18 minute Interactive TedTalk-style talks
- 90-120 minute interactive event programs where your team goes into breakout groups to apply our tools directly to your business.
Within 7 days of your virtual keynote speech, we will have scheduled a Debrief phone call to make sure that the presentation met or exceeded your expectations and discuss ways we can support you and your team moving forward. If you’re not familiar with “Debrief”, it is a concept that fighter pilots use to encourage open discussion aimed at making improvements after each mission – without regard for rank. We’ve detailed the concept in a series of articles in “Successful Meetings Magazine.
Virtual Keynote Speaker Topics
Although we can tailor a keynote to meet your requirements, we have six topics that have proven very popular. All of these generally in the 45-60 range:
Virtual Keynote Speech on Execution:
“Executing at Mach 2”
This high energy presentation is focused on Executional Excellence; AB will share the tools fighter squadrons use to make sure they are aligned, flying in formation, and executing at the highest level. This is an interactive, multi-media keynote speech that brings fresh perspective on why execution truly matters to every organization.
Virtual Keynote Speech on Communication:
“Communicating at Mach 2”
A high impact Keynote focusing on how the world’s most successful enterprises – where results truly matter — achieve peak performance by creating a culture of honest and open feedback. At the conclusion, your team will walk out the door with a clear understanding of the potential power of open feedback and how you can make open feedback an integral part of your culture.
Virtual Keynote Speech on Leadership:
“Leading at Mach 2”
All great leaders have a system for driving peak performance. This hard-charging, high-impact keynote details how the best fighter squadrons and the best businesses in the world hire future leaders, how they then properly train those individuals, and continually promote a process of continuous improvement to stay one step ahead of the competition.
Virtual Keynote Speech on Sales:
“Selling at Mach 2”
In addition to rising to the top of the aviation community, AB has built a business career on sales excellence. After achieving accolades as “Top Producer in the Western US” for a prominent lending institution, AB led a team of 40 professionals to grow revenue at a California based start-up company from $500,000 to $65M in just three years. A quintessential sales professional, AB draws comprehensive parallels between what makes great fighter pilots and what makes great sales people. For organizations looking to develop a sales team of “Top Guns,” this dynamic, interactive speech is a must!
Virtual Keynote Speech on Innovation:
“Innovating at Mach 2”
In today’s rapidly changing world companies and their people must constantly innovate to stay ahead of the competition. As a former fighter pilot and serial entrepreneur, AB has applied the tools that fighter pilots use to stay ahead of the competition to the world of business. In this speech, AB will share these secrets and show your audience what it takes to be the best innovators both in combat and in their industry.
Virtual Keynote Speech on Safety:
“Staying Safe at Mach 2”
Safety is the key to every successful mission for a fighter pilot. No matter how fast they fly, or how accurate their bombing runs, none of it matters if they don’t come home. Learn how the best fighter squadrons in the world train their people to execute the mission at the highest level every day, while keeping “safety first” top of mind. In this high-impact keynote, AB will paint a vivid picture of how to identify the series of events that can lead to an accident while offering attendees the critical tools that U.S. fighter pilots employ every day to keep their wingmen safe in the high stakes environment of aerial combat.
Zoom Sales Meetings for Large Meetings
Zoom has a capability of hosting a meeting of from 500-1000 people, but to utilize that you have to use Zoom’s large meeting license. When you use that, you can view up to 49 participants at one time, and can scroll left or right to see everyone. You can also create and launch polls with zoom, which can be a great way of engaging your meeting participants and getting their feedback.
Virtual Sales Meeting Tips
This Harvard Business Review article has some great tips in it, including the importance of planning for real-time feedback, making sure people’s faces are visible (to improve engagement), and more. Definitely worth a read:
HBR: What it Takes to Run a Great Virtual Meeting
Forbes has some very different advice here on hosting large virtual meetings, mostly focused on tailoring the pace and cadence of the meeting to your audience:
Forbes: How To Successfully Host Large Virtual Meetings And Events
Don’t Forget to Plan to Record Your Virtual Keynote
For those that cannot attend the live presentation, you are able to record the virtual keynote to be watched later. This can be useful not just for folks that missed the event, but people that are new to your organization in the coming year.
Make Your Large Remote Meeting A Success – Book a High Energy Remote Keynote Speaker Now
Anthony ‘AB’ Bourke has the knowledge, experience, and presence necessary to make your next virtual event a memorable and valuable one for your attendees. Your team can learn just how fighter pilot training and operational concepts can be applied to your business. Fighter Pilots get feedback after every single mission as part of a systematic ritual we call “The Debrief”; participating in constant regular communication with honest feedback can make a difference for your team as well and help them to operate at “Peak Performance”.